are many free exercises you can use to make your penis bigger that are very
effective and safe. If you want to increase the width and girth of your penis,
you can do it without having to buy any pills, pumps or other devises.
market for penis enlargement
cream continues to grow, more and more mainstream by the day. Many
men think they can still improve their penis in terms of size and penis
enlargement products so they have the opportunity they need to improve not only
the size of his penis, but the way they perform during the sexual encounter. As
penis enlargement products continue to make new customers natural penis growth is
pushed back further into the shadows. What many people do not know is that
penis enlargement naturally is actually recommended by health.
enlargement methods to avoid:
Hanging Weights: This
is one of the most dangerous techniques, because blood vessels can burst and it
can cause permanent impotence.
Pumps: Their
effectiveness is questionable and they can cause long term damage to your penis
and circulation problems.
Creams: There
is no evidence that gels or creams are effective. In the best case scenario
they will do nothing for you, except temporarily increase blood flow to the
area. If they contain dangerous substances they could cause infection.
Pills: There
is no chemical that can make your penis bigger and any results will be
Silicone injections: This
is the single most dangerous method you can use. Injecting liquid silicone into
your penis may increase the girth, but your member will be damaged beyond
repair. Also, if silicone enters your bloodstream, this technique might prove
to be lethal.
Surgery: if
it fails you can end up with a permanently scarred penis. But even if surgery
is successful, keep in mind that it can be very expensive and painful.
penile exercises is the safest, cheapest and less painful way you can use to
enlarge your penis. You will need to follow this exercise program 4-5 times a
week and every session should last for about 10 minutes. Before starting, take
a warm towel and wrap it around your penis for about 3 minutes.
Apply some form of
lubrication like baby oil. To perform jelqs you first need to get an erection.
Use you thumb and middle finger to form a ring and starting at the base of the
penis, try to push the blood up to the head. Repeat it 25 times and change
hands. You should be firm but gentle. Within a few weeks, you will see visible
However, the use of products
that have not been clinically tested and are not recommended by health
professionals can only be carried out more problems. In order to be safe, you
should consult your doctor and find out the best method of natural penis growth
for you. You can also order samples of manual exercises that can be performed
on your penis - and how often and intensive you should do them to achieve
optimal results.
products :- PWD poppers rush, penis enlargement cream, male enhanced pills, poppers rush, men delay spray